Luke Iseman, previously a director of hardware at Y Combinator and the cofounder of a geoengineering startup, says he added a few grams of sulfur dioxide into a…

Recycling companies’ processes all look about the same to an outside observer. Batteries are disassembled and crushed up, and the resulting powder is dissolved before being subjected to…

Introduction Every year millions of students complete their higher secondary education in the arts stream. History, cultures, language, music, visual arts, philosophy, and humanities, are the areas of…

Microsoft is reportedly eyeing a $10 billion investment in OpenAI, the startup that created the viral chatbot ChatGPT, and is planning to integrate it into Office products and…

Introduction In this post we will use Keras to classify duplicated questions from Quora. The dataset first appeared in the Kaggle competition Quora Question Pairs and consists of…

These days it is not difficult to find sample code that demonstrates sequence to sequence translation using Keras. However, within the past few years it has been established…

What do we need to train a neural network? A common answer is: a model, a cost function, and an optimization algorithm. (I know: I’m leaving out the…

A few weeks ago, we provided an introduction to the task of naming and locating objects in images. Crucially, we confined ourselves to detecting a single object in…

Nothing’s ever perfect, and data isn’t either. One type of “imperfection” is missing data, where some features are unobserved for some subjects. (A topic for another post.) Another…

Solid-state batteries can use a wide range of chemistries, but a leading candidate for commercialization uses lithium metal. Quantumscape, for one, is focused on that technology and raised…