When Terrorists Talk, They Listen

Yigal Carmon is among the couple of Israelis who can declare to have actually forecasted this war. His Aug. 31 post “ Indications of Possible War in September-October” pointed out justifications by Hezbollah, intensifying violence in the West Bank and hazards from Hamas as proof of local coordination for something huge. “Israel will likely be forced to carry out a massive action,” he composed, “even at the expense of a full-scale war.”

Some information were off, however Mr. Carmon states anybody focusing would have seen the composing on the wall. “They stated everything. They stated whatever,” Mr. Carmon, a previous Israeli intelligence officer and counterterrorism consultant to 2 prime ministers, states in a phone interview from Jerusalem. As president and a co-founder of Memri, the Middle East Media Research Study Institute, he had actually advertised Hamas’s videos promoting its drills for an intrusion of Israel, along with its claims that overall war was coming.

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