How to Reverse Every Other Word in a String in C

The obstacle

Reverse every other word in a provided string, then return the string. Get rid of any leading or routing whitespace, while making sure there is precisely one area in between each word. Punctuation marks need to be dealt with as if they belong of the word in this obstacle.

The service in C

Choice 1:

 #include << stddef.h>>.
#include << stdbool.h>>.

void reverse_alternate( const char * string, char * result).
bool is_word = incorrect, is_second = incorrect, not_first = incorrect;
for (const char * s = string; * s; ++ s) {
if (* s =='' && & & is_word ){
is_word = incorrect;
is_second =! is_second;.
} else if (* s!='' && & &! is_word ){
if (not_first) * result++ =' ';.
is_word = not_first = real;.

if (is_second && & & is_word) {
size_t i = 0;.
for (const char * ss = s; * ss && & & * ss! ='';+
+ ss,++ i).;.
for( size_t j= 0; j
< i;+
+ j). outcome [j] = s[i - j - 1];.
s+= i- 1;. outcome+= i;.
} <. else if
(* s!='').

* outcome ++= * s;.}
* outcome=";

Choice 2:

 #include < string.h >. #include < stdlib.h >.
#include < stdio.h >.
extern char * strdup( const char *);.
char * strrev( char * string).

size_t length= strlen( string);
for( size_t i= 0; i < length/ 2; i

++) {
char tmp = string[i];. string[i] = string[length - 1 - i];. string[length - 1 - i]= tmp;.
return string;.
} void reverse_alternate (const char * string, char * result).
fixed const char * const whitespace=" tnrvf ";. * outcome=";. char * copy=
strdup( string) <;.

char * word= strtok( copy, whitespace);. for( int i= 0; word!= NULL; word= strtok (NULL, whitespace), i++) {if( i %2). strrev( word);. outcome+ = sprintf (outcome, "% s% s",( i== 0)? "":" ", word);.
totally free( copy);.} 

Choice 3:

 #include < string.h && >. #include < stdlib.h >.
void reverse_alternate
( const char * string, < char * result) {outcome[0]=" ;. size_t length= 0, start= 0, stop = 0, parity= 1, index= 0;. for( size_t i= 0; i . #include < stdlib.h >. #include < string.h >. void reverse_alternate( const char * string, char * result);. void tester (const char * string, char * anticipated);. Test( reverse_alternate, Sample_Tests) {
tester(" Did it

work?"," Did ti work?" );. tester(" I truly hope it works this time ...", "I yllaer hope ti works siht time ...");.
tester(" Reverse this string, please!"," Reverse siht string,! esaelp"
);. tester(" Have a beer",
" Have a beer");. tester("", "");.
} void tester( const char * string, char * anticipated) {
size_t length= strlen( string);. char sent [i];. memset( sent,' @', length + 1);. reverse_alternate (string, sent);. cr_assert(! strcmp( sent, anticipated ),.
" < Inaccurate Outcome > n nstring =" % s "n nSubmitted:" % s "nExpected:" % s "n n",.
string, sent, anticipated.
} [index++].

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