Where worldwide Is the Largest Data Center Center?

By our 2023 price quotes, the Washington city– or more particularly Northern Virginia (NoVA)– controls as the world’s biggest information center market.

With more than 22 million square feet of functional capability, NoVA is 30% bigger than the next-biggest information center hub, Tokyo.

What else does the most current upgrade to our Information Center Research Study Service inform us?

Asian and U.S. city locations represent 8 of the 10 biggest information center markets. In Europe, just London and Frankfurt make the list of biggest markets.

Digital Real Estate and Equinix have much higher scale and geographical variety than all of their rivals. Each of these 2 operators manages a minimum of 30 million square feet of functional information center capability. And both of them have considerable footprints throughout every worldwide area. NTT has a footprint about 30% smaller sized than that of Equinix however almost two times as huge as the next-largest supplier.

More than 50 industrial information center suppliers manage over 1 million square feet of functional capability– each.

More than 50 industrial information center suppliers manage over 1 million square feet of functional capability– each. While couple of are almost as big as the leviathans on top of this list, lots of are proliferating, are flush with brand-new financial investment, and are exceptionally vital gamers in the advancement of the worldwide affiliation market.

Taking a look at substantial markets with a minimum of 1 million square feet of functional capability, least 20 of these are growing at 10% CAGR or more. If we consist of smaller sized, vibrant markets because mix, the number reaching that level at least doubles.

Our Information Center Research Study Service is an extensive guide for comprehending information centers, network storage, and the nature of affiliation.

Download the 2023 Summary of Findings to keep reading this analysis.

2023 State of the Network E-book

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