What is Human Firewall? All you need to know!

A group of people in an organization that works towards detecting cyber attacks such as ransomware or phishing attacks that may bypass your computer security system are known as a human firewall. With the advent of the digital era and an increase in digitization, the amount of data available has increased massively. An increase in data calls for a higher need for security. 

A regular firewall is a device that blocks out the malicious traffic that may enter your system and cause a loss of vulnerable data. Similar to a firewall, a human firewall focuses on securing your network. It is necessary to train employees to effectively handle their data and ensure that the Company does not suffer any data loss. Human firewalls are important since they can help prevent major cyberattacks. Although they are the last line of defense, it is necessary to train them well and ensure that they are highly vigilant. This blog will teach us more about the different areas of weakness in the human firewall. We will also learn how it can help strengthen your security system. 

Areas of Weakness to the Human Firewall

1. Phishing 

One of the most common ways to fall for a cyber attack is several employees have fallen for phishing attacks. Knowing what kind of phishing attacks are circulating can help you reduce the risk of falling for them. Emails stating that your Facebook account may be disabled and other similar emails should be ignored. Spear Phishing has become more popular as hackers and scammers have learned how to make these attacks seem more legitimate with the use of personalized information. These attacks are more targeted and can thus be more dangerous too. Individuals must be made aware of the requests that are outside the norm and be able to detect signs of such attacks. 

2. Theft/Loss 

Another way that your network can become vulnerable is through theft or loss of devices. With the advent of work-from-home practices, bringing in your device has become more common these days. Individuals do not have any anti-theft protection and may not appropriately secure their devices. A mobile device that contains personal information related to the organization must be secured well. Ensuring that the emails or information cannot be accessed on your phone by securing it with a facial recognition feature or fingerprint can help you be more careful. 

3. Malware

The chance of malware being installed on your system is typically when you are browsing any compromised website. Sites you may often visit can also be a victim of cyber attacks and have vulnerabilities. One of the most common ways through which malware is downloaded is through different popups on websites. It is important to train individuals regarding malware and how it works. Individuals should know how malware may be installed, which will go a long way in securing your network. 

Also Read: Top 9 Cyber Security Tools that every business needs

Ways to strengthen your Human Firewall

1. Education

While building a human firewall, a little education can go a long way. First, you must bring all the employees at your Company onboard with the ways to protect the Company’s security system. Ongoing training related to security threats and best practices to avoid falling for these threats is essential. Sometimes while using tools for mass emailing, there are higher chances at your computer security being compromised. In such a situation, being educated about the do’s and don’ts will help you in the long run. You can also run an experiment in which you can fake a phishing email. If the individual cannot identify this, they are redirected to a training page that will help them improve their knowledge of phishing and other cyberattacks. 

human firewall

2. MFA or 2FA

Multi-Factor Authentication or 2-Factor Authentication has become highly popular today. They are essential in strengthening the human firewall and giving individuals another layer of security in a cyber attack. A multi-factor authentication calls for individuals to secure their accounts by requiring two things, something they know and something they have. Something they know refers to the password, and something they have will either be their phone or a device where they can receive an OTP or a one-time password. Entering an individual’s password and then the OTP sent to your device will allow them to log in to the account. Ensuring that Multi-Factor Authentication and 2FA are in place will prevent hackers from logging into the individual’s account. While following such human firewall practices is important, it is important to remember that this is not foolproof. Attackers may grow to be smart enough to generate codes.

3. Devices Issues by the Company

People are now more open to work-from-home policies and remote working, in such a situation, using personal devices for official work is becoming increasingly prevalent. Our devices might be more susceptible to malware and cyber-attacks. Ensuring that the right security measures are in place before using these devices for office work is important to secure our data. If the company issues devices for its individuals, it is easier to maintain security practices and install the necessary software and security tools to ensure security. With this in place, you will also be able to install and manage the tools remotely and increase your vulnerable data’s safety. 

4. Phishing tests

A fantastic approach to see if employees are aware of the risks associated with phishing attacks and how to defend themselves is to administer phishing tests to them.

5. Strong cybersecurity culture

Talking openly about vulnerabilities and cybersecurity is one method to develop a strong culture in this area. Regularly provide security updates, run phishing tests, engage staff in training, and emphasize team culture.

6. Use the right Measures

Make sure your company has and employs the appropriate tools. For your employees, develop a comprehensive security awareness platform. Data protection software, network security monitoring tools, encryption tools, antivirus software, and web vulnerability scanning tools are just a few examples of security solutions that should be taken into account.

7. Human Firewall Plan

Security guidelines should be precise and comprehensive, covering a range of issues like social media usage, email security, and password policy. Employers should hold staff members accountable for adhering to security regulations by enforcing them.

Thus, it is important to ensure that all organizations have a human firewall system and strengthen their security systems. If you found this blog helpful and wish to learn more such concepts about cybersecurity, join Great Learning’s Cyber Security Course and upskill today. 


1. Why is the human firewall so important?

It is important because it can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information and systems, which can have serious consequences such as financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liability.

2. What are the 5 human firewall traits?

Awareness, Caution, Vigilance, Professionalism, Training

3. What are the 3 types of firewalls?

Network Firewall, Host-based firewall, Application Firewall

4. Is there a need for humans to be a firewall?

Humans play a crucial role in cybersecurity as a complement to technology solutions as they are not foolproof and can be bypassed by determined attackers. Human error can also leave organizations vulnerable to cyber attacks.

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